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Representation Plus at WTM: Cinnamon Hotels and Resorts 2019

Updated: Sep 3, 2020

Our third entry into the Representation Plus at the World Travel Market Series reflects on Cinnamon Hotel’s campaign at the event in 2019. Preparations involved press releases, a social media campaign and the organisation of interviews with Cinnamon head office representatives at WTM, all of which showcase Representation Plus’ expertise in PR and events management activities.

The hoteliers had a busy year with two new openings at the Bentota Beach Resort in Sri Lanka and the Velifushi Resort in the Maldives. Representation Plus were on hand to make contact with the travel media through a social media campaign and the writing of press releases, and to secure coverage in the International Travel Writers Alliance’s mid-November bulletin. Stemming from the wide reach of this coverage, media requests and trip interests were sparked, giving the publicity desired by Cinnamon to the new hotels which lie within the stunning scenery of their locations. The next step in the lead up to the WTM was to set up interviews on behalf of Cinnamon, resulting in 10 interviews for the hoteliers. Consequently, this led to articles in Travel Bulletin and Daily FT giving extra noise to the announcements of the new hotel openings.

To conclude the busy WTM period, Representation Plus helped to coordinate Cinnamon Hotels’ sponsorship of the prestigious 2019 British Guild of Travel Writers Awards. This included a welcome reception as well as an uplifting and inspirational speech from Cinnamon’s Vice President of Branding, Dileep Mudadeniya, who also announced the openings of the new resorts. Excitingly, Representation Plus helped to coordinate a charity raffle of a seven-night stay for two at the Bentota Beach Resort.

Following a successful campaign at WTM, press trips were planned for Spring 2020 to enjoy the two resorts once opened, sadly, these were like so many things put on hold due to covid and are now in planning for 2021.

Cinnamon’s portfolio now totals 15 luxury hotels in stunning Sri Lanka and the idyllic Maldives. With the help of Representation Plus, Cinnamon Hotels and Resorts’ new ventures have had a thorough introduction to the travel media and market, shifting tourism for tomorrow’s adventures!

We are in weekly contact with the WTM team keeping our finger on their pulse for both their live and virtual shows!

We would welcome the opportunity of updating you on this year's planned activity and how best to maximise your presence virtually or in person, or just to give you our feedback on your strategy. Please email us at, call us on +44 20 8877 4508 and/or leave your comments below.

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